Accessibilty & Access

Where I am

My studio is Studio 416 111 Union Street G1 3TA

I am situated right above Union Street Station. As a result the studio can sometimes shake a little bit when trains move in and out of the station.

Getting to my studio

My studio is in on the 4th floor of 111 Union Street. Intercom number 416.

There is a lift that will take you from the ground floor to the 4th floor. There are also 12 flights of stairs between the Ground floor and the 4th floor, if you are feeling fit.

From the front door to the lift there is a short flight of 4 steps.


There are four gendered public bathrooms with 2 cubicles very near my studio.

Waiting area

Beyond my studio there is a small waiting area which you can use should you arrive early for a session.



My experience as an AT teacher and pupil has taught me that feeling safe, or being able to regulate to safety, is of the utmost importance in any learning environment. Furthermore, I think the safer we feel the courageous and curious we can let ourselves be.

My AT practice is built on exploring how to navigate the world more safety and, as a result more, agency. I am continually working to make my studio and teaching practice a safe and constructive a place for anyone who wants to spend time in it.

The beauty of AT is that it is a uniquely malleable practice. The task of any AT session is to find out how AT can be moulded to fit the specific needs of the people who are engaging with the work. I acknowledge that safety, or what makes a person feel safe, can look vastly for each individual person. I believe it is my job to meet someone where they are at on their own terms, whoever or however they are.

LGBTQ+ Friendly

I am a member of the LGBTQ+ community and feel AT has helped me navigate the world as a queer person. As a result, I am very keen to work with other Queer folk who might find AT useful.

I offer a £10 taster lesson to anyone who is interested in trying AT out to see if it might be helpful.